The Future of the Internet.
IPv6 is the future, and we want to help get to the future. Free IPv6 and Transit for all!
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Our Sponsors
Get started today with one of our sponsors. Let us hook you up with everything needed to get started!
Civilized Hosting LLC

Civilized Hosting LLC is the leading sponsor of this project. Providing free /48 Sub Assignments in RIPE, along with free IPv6 transit based out of Kansas City, MO. They also offer cheap BGP VMs with direct connections to top ISPs and multiple Internet Exchanges, including KCIX, HOUIX & STLIX. They also offer ASN registrations based out of RIPE, which include another /48!

Check Civilized Out!
Want to sponsor?

Email us ([email protected]) or message Brayden on Discord (civilizedhosting#0)


MyLIR has been kind enough to allocate GoV6 a /38 subnet from RIPE to provide our community for free IPv6! Get a FREE /48 from MyLIR today to boost your ASNs connectivity on the Internet! They also provide BGP Sessions upon request based out of London!

MyLIR Sponsored /48!
Want to sponsor?
Email us ([email protected]) or message Brayden on Discord (civilizedhosting#0)
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